Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pebbles and Stones/Table and Chairs


Edited Burned and Dodged:

I burned the shadows because they were too light. The photo looked better that way. Then I burned the grass and the road just to lighten in up
a little bit, because I thought the original tonal values were not correct. There wasn't really any dodge and I thought it was necessary. Finally, I cropped whole photo because the extra information wasn't needed.


Edited Burned and Dodged:

I dodged the chair chair to make it a little lighter because it didn't seem the right tone. I also dodged part of the wood shelf to make it not so dark. Next I dodged part of the table and table legs to try and make them stand out a little bit more. This photo was not cropped, the reason for this was because it didn't need it.

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