Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I like the color one better because I like how all the colors connect. I like how the lights reflect off the hard wood floor.

Hang on


I really enjoy the black and white one better because to me it looks more motivating. there is less colors and so it just focus on the word believe. I really like the pattern in the counter with the refection.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


For this photo, all I did was convert it to black and white. Then adjusted the levels.



First thing I did with this photo was to turn it black and white. Then I adjusted the levels and cropped it to take out some of the information I thought wasn't necessary. After that some of the darks got dodged and some of the lights for burned. You can't really tell that I burned and dodged it though.



For this photo I turned it into black and white.
After that, the levels got adjusted. Then some of the highlights got dodged so did some of my iPad and cropped the photo. Next, part of the table got burned just a small amount. Finally, I dodged some of the mid tones of my shirt and hands.

Friday, November 18, 2011


This is the original photo, I concerted it to black and white,
and changed the levels. I like the black and white photo more.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stalk-A-Razzi Photos

The photo's that I chose worked well for both the assignment and my topic for the sketch book.

The assignment asked us to take photo's of a subject who was unaware that the photo was being taken. I chose this photo because my subject is kind of humdrum and accident prone. He seemed really focused on what he was doing so that he didn't knock everything over. I was waiting down one of the isles watching him, hoping he would knock it over, but he never did.

This photo gives a real stalker feel to it. I like the color and the way the shelf frames the subject.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I like the black and white one better because every branch blends in and the person sticks out better.

Random Photos

Didn't have room to put the original photo, but I converted the photo to black and white. Then cropped the far right side out.
For the coin photo, I converted it to black and white. Then cropped some of the table out, and adjusted the levels.
As for the cash machine, I just converted it to black and white.


I converted this photo into black and white from the original, then adjusted the levels of the photo. I then cropped the topper half of the photo. What I like the most out of this photo is the reflections that I was able to capture.

Technology Concentration

Original Photo:

For the edited version of this photo I turned it black and white. Then I burned some of the shadows and I dodged some highlights and mid-tones. Also, I think I chose this photo in black and white because of the contrast of darks and lights. Though I like the colors of the color photo. It could be along the lines of technology. The angle this was taken I thought worked out well for a paparazzi photo.

Edited Burned Dodged:

Original Photo:

For this edited photo, I turned it black and white. Then, I burned the mid tones and some of the shadows. Next I dodged the highlights and I think some of the mid tones as well. I chose that I like this photo better in black and white. Her and her face stand out on both of these photos. Thats not the only reason. The contrast of darks and lights are noticeable. I tried to burn out that big light coming in to try to get rid of it. But it really doesn't take away from the photo. Either way, I like this photo.

Edited Burned Dodged:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I burned the shadows around the rocks and the leaves to bring out some more of the detail.

This is just one of those photos that you have to take. The way the sun was making such a bright outline around the clouds.

I choose these photos to represent the path that I am on. My college career is coming to an end and the journey ahead is unknown.

Never Ending

I dodged and burned the bottom photo in Photoshop to make the front corn stock stand out the most, and the ones behind it fad out.

Pebbles and Stones/Table and Chairs


Edited Burned and Dodged:

I burned the shadows because they were too light. The photo looked better that way. Then I burned the grass and the road just to lighten in up
a little bit, because I thought the original tonal values were not correct. There wasn't really any dodge and I thought it was necessary. Finally, I cropped whole photo because the extra information wasn't needed.


Edited Burned and Dodged:

I dodged the chair chair to make it a little lighter because it didn't seem the right tone. I also dodged part of the wood shelf to make it not so dark. Next I dodged part of the table and table legs to try and make them stand out a little bit more. This photo was not cropped, the reason for this was because it didn't need it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hockey Sticks Original & Edit

This picture is the original photo that I took.
This is the photo that I edited. I changed the levels of the picture so that it turned out darker. I also burned the sitcks so they would be darker, which I thought made them stand out more. Then I dodged the white letters and scratches on the sticks so they popped out more. I also on the wall to the left I burned that to be darker. I think after the editing this picture turned out a lot better and isn't as washed out and plain as the original was.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I really like this photo in black and white because I think it has a nice contrast between the sky and the wall. I like how the darks and lights ended up in it, too. I burned the graffiti, around the clouds, and burned and dodged the cracks to make it stand out more and have a bigger impact.

I also really like this image in color because of the way the sky stands out, and the contrast from the purple graffiti, but I think I like the black and white version better.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I like this color photo better than the black and white one because I believe the rust on the nails stand out better. Even though the black and white makes it look more old, I prefer the color photo the best.