Monday, October 31, 2011

Old Train Carts

I choose this picture because it has solid lines and was a good use of thirds. The picture on the top was cropped down to remove the emphasis on the background. I also adjusted the highlights and shadows to bring out more of the yellow in the wheels and frame. This also goes with my theme of the "grey side of life".

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I chose this picture to upload because I like the curves in the slide and how it looks like its going down into nothing because of the angle I took the picture from. I like the colored version better because of how the yellow pops out with the dark grass around it.


I chose this picture because I really like how it turned out. Because of the lighting I used its hard to see the difference between the color and black and white one, but i do like the colored one a little better because it adds a little more detail to the hockey sticks.


I cropped the photo, and converted it to black and white. I changed the levels because the train was too light, and the sky was washed out.

Eiffel Tower

Edited Photo:

This is the edited black and white photo of the original one in color. I really thought that the lines were a great thing. Also I like the angle that I took it from and how it talks about lines and structure. One thing I did to the photo was crop part of the right side of the frame. The reason for this was that I didn't need some of that information. The black and white was boosted a little. Because I didn't really like the tone that it was before I changed it.

Original Photo:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Color variations

Original Photo

On this photo I worked with the color variaions by bring out more of the reds. Then I changed the levels to lighten the red. I also used two different lignting effects; light flares and a spot light effect.

Phone Booth Time

These are some extra photos that I took, I just loved this phone booth. The most that I did with these photos was just convert them to black and white. Since I had to use a low shutter speed two of these photos came out blurred. None the less, they might not be perfect, but had to share them.

This is also a photo that was supposed to be with the shadow assignment. Only things I changed was converting it to black and white, and changed the shadows to bring them out more. Even though its hard to see the all the shadows I would have liked, I really like the shot itself.
This is from our shadow assignment. I crop the original photo, then converted it to black and white. I also change the levels on the photo.