Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Crime Scene Photos

Here is a link to crime scene photos. Note that these are GRAPHIC images
and discretion is advised if you are easily upset:


Monday, December 6, 2010

Mass Shadow

After: lightened contrast, lightened up the shadows and faded the color

Before: (dirtbike boot and helmet in the background)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

shadow again "B" Brandi

befor after one after two

Rose Shadow

befor after one after two after three

shadow again

two three


Snow day

Snow day



A Lot of Chips


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Assignment 4 - Mass Shadow

After 1: Changed the saturation, added 1960's and cross process filter. Than changed the highlights and shadows.

After 2: Changed contrast/brightness, added shadow and highlights, and faded the color.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Creating and embedding a logo in your photos

Here is a sample image (shot from my camera phone, so take it easy on me) that I embedded with a watermark/logo.  One method for doing this is:
1. create logo (recommend a black and white image) and adjust size
2. save logo at the same resolution as your photos
3. drag the logo into the photo (in photoshop), position logo properly
4. select the logo layer in the toolbar
5. adjust the opacity until the logo is unintrusive, yet still visible
6. select "flatten image" under the dropdown "layer" menu
7. save image file in desired format

The instructions for legally embedding a water mark (registered) can be found here:



Photo Students, you need to check out this link... it is an excellent idea that you might pursue in your own
hometowns.  It certainly has digital imaging written all over it!!


Friday, November 19, 2010


dark and light

this is a picture of my niece again. it came from two pictures i printed both of them, dodging and burnning the areas where i put the two pictures. i then expose them together to make a paper negative. then printed it that way... then tadah!!!!